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Late Fee
Site fees and other payments are due on the first month as per RV Park Service Agreement. If payment is not received by the fifth day of the month, you’ll be charged a late fee of $30.00. No partial payments.
Speed Limit
The park speed limit is 5 mph.
Vehicle Policies
You may park permitted vehicles in designated areas only. No major vehicle repairs shall be made on the park premises. Any routine maintenance that can be accomplished within 48 hours is permissible.
Pet Policy
Pets must be on a leash at all times. Cleaning up after your pet is your responsibility and there are fines for office pets and not picking up waste. All cats must be spayed or neutered. No aggressive dog breeds are allowed.
The cutting of trees and plants are strictly prohibited. Please call management to request of trimming of any trees, bushes, or shrubs.
Damage(s) caused by you, your family, guests or visitors is your responsibility.
Quiet Hours
Quiet hours are from 10 PM to 7 AM. If we have to call the authorities more than once for a disturbance at your site, you will be asked to leave.
There is a private dumpster available for Tenants only. Please do not throw tires, wheels, oil, appliances, furniture, or other big items in the dumpster. Dispose of your trash daily. Do not leave trash outside of your camper overnight.
Your site must be kept litter-free, which includes cigarette butts. You may not assign or sublet your site. You are being provided services under the RV Park Services Agreement. You are not under a landlord-tenant agreement. Theft Of Service Applies. Do not let items accumulate under or around your unit. Clothes lines are not permitted.
A threaded sewer hose seal is required. All hoses must be in reasonable condition with no leaks. (Especially no duct tape). Ground disposal of grey or black water is strictly prohibited.
Fire Safety
The discharge of fireworks or firearms inside the park will not be tolerated. No campfires are allowed anywhere at the park. Grills are permissible.